This is a blog that contains: struggles, triumphs, crafts, recipes and stories to brighten your day and make you smile, laugh, and say well things aren't all that bad!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Honeymooning in Paradise.

When Mr. and I got married a little over a year ago because of the strenous PA program I am in there was no time for a honeymoon. (we literally got married over the 7 day break I had between the spring and fall semesters). We hesitantly chose to postpone our honeymoon until there was more time. I tried to not make a big deal about it but the last breakfast we had on the island that week of the wedding I wanted to cry. We had had a wonderful time entertaining and celebrating with all our family and friends but I had no time to ourselves to share the joy of being in love.

So fast forward a year.... and here we went back to Anna Maria to celebrate our honeymoon. And boy was it worth the wait! Here are some pictures to explain.

Our hotel suite, The flounder!
 Standing in the exact spot where we got married!
 Wishing you were here!
 I had to sacrifice my pedicure but it was worth it.
I surprised Mr. with a deep sea fishing trip. Mr. caught way more than I did. This is him with his favorite fish to eat. Grouper!
 This is us with our Red fish we caught. (over two feet in length and about 15lbs each.)
 I caught two Red fish! I never realized that the hardest part was reeling the fish into the boat!!
Mr.'s honeymoon surprise for me was to order a cake from the bakers who made our wedding cake and get a bottle of wine for the little shop that we bought all the wine for from the wedding. (Mr. also bought me several bottles that are going to be shipped home yum!!)

PS. we got to keep all our fish from the fishing trip. Snapper, Mackrel, flounder, and red fish (the only fish that I contributed to our bounty was a red fish) But I did catch a baby shark!! sorry no pics of that one you will just have to believe me and my fisherman tales! .... Come over and eat some with us ok??

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