This is a blog that contains: struggles, triumphs, crafts, recipes and stories to brighten your day and make you smile, laugh, and say well things aren't all that bad!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today is my birthday. 23 years ago today I was born. What am I doing? I am sitting in a private study room in a library. I was here about 7 this morning too. I am so tired I want to go to sleep but I am scared if I do I'll miss the test I have been literally cramming for. This is my life now. it is miserable. But why? haha because I spent the whole weekend in Florida while my good, scholarly classmates (who are going to make A's on this test) studied. Here is a picture to cheer myself up. Life isn't about making A's. I just have to keep telling myself that. 

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