This is a blog that contains: struggles, triumphs, crafts, recipes and stories to brighten your day and make you smile, laugh, and say well things aren't all that bad!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Twenty Five

I wish I had written down somewhere at fifteen where I was going to "be" at twenty five.  Things that I wanted to achieve by twenty five, do places I would have gone. I wonder what my fifteen year old self would think of me today. . . I think she would be a little surprised that I live in suburbia, that I have a dog that weighs half what I do. But I think younger me would be happy that I am happily married and about to finish my masters. Younger me might be surprised that I have practically the same hair style and some of the same friends (true besties). I think to fifteen year old me twenty five must have seemed old just like thirty five seems so old to me.

I don't want to write out goals for thirty five just predictions or musings or something more likely just to look back on (if we still have Internet and I can still find this blog in 10 years)!

Predictions for 35 year old self

- For me and Mr. to be living in or building our forever home
- maybe the pitter patter of little feet or at least a couple better trained dogs
- to be working as a PA in a job where I am happy and fulfilled
- To be an aunt
- To live within a 20 mile radius of my sis and mom
- That I will have run a triathlon
- That I will be more fluent in Spanish
- I will have traveled to Europe again with Mr., Sis, and Bro-n-law
- I'll be confident enough to make crepes

What a precious thing life is. Can't believe I'm twenty five. Where has the time gone! I know that before I turn around it will be ten years down the road.


Lindsey said...

You are already an our little baby, Kinsley! JK, I love this and you so much!

Cynthia Lee said...

I want to be an aunt to something who doesn't look like Splinter!